jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Resume of news: Michael Gove launches attack on anti-academy teachers and councillors

The education secretary of England says about whom reject of education reforms are "ideologues happy with failure". However, the reforms continue despite of the critics about the package of policies. He said in a discourse: "Change is coming. And to those who want to get in the way, I have just two words: hands off". He was frustrated by obstructive attitude from a change in the schools.

Gove he said "In one of the most disadvantaged parts of our capital city poor children have been deprived of the skills they need to succeed."

For him, his enemies are ideologues because “the ones who put doctrine ahead of pupils’ interests.”  They are considerer most important protect old forms of working ahead helping to poor pupils.  Therefore, they are enemies of the improve system of education and England to do “liberate the next generation from a history of failure.”

In my opinion, this situation is similar to that experienced in Chile. In the conflict for education, government and technocrats promote to reform and package of policies to improve education. But, the person who rejects these reforms is called as “Ideologues” by them. I think that the powerful always protect their interests. Therefore when anybody critiqued their interests, they attack this people used word as “Ideologues”, “Irrational”, “Resentful”, and so on. So, the powerful delegitimize to opposition about civil society.

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