Who is the greatest chilean of all times? I Think It’ is a very difficult question because there is many great chilean people. For example, in sports we have Marcelo Ríos, Ivan Zamorano, and Alexis Sanchez. In literature we have Pablo Neruda, Gabriela Mistral and Nicanor Parra… and so on. It all depends on the point of view. In this case, my perspective is political.
From this point of view my greatest Chilean of all times is Luis Emilio Recabarren. He is a great politician of the history of Chile and he was founder of the Chilean communist party. He was born on 1876 in Valparaiso, and he died on 1924 in Santiago. He was a typographical worker in his young, work which helped him to create some newspaper and bulletin. Between his contributions we have “El Trabajo”, “La Vanguardia” and “El Despertar de los Trabajadores”. In These publications he promoted solidarity on the worker class.

So, Luis Emilio Recabarren is the greatest Chilean of all times for me because He is a person with principles, coherent and committed with his ideas. He had many problems because his political ideology. Thus, even he was prisoner in the jail many times he continued with his work with the same determination.
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