miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

My Christmas

Christmas this year was good. In the past years, I do not enjoy this celebrations. But, in 2011 I enjoyed the company of my family. I spend christmas eve in my home, here in santiago, with my mother, father, brother and grandmother. I always spend christmas eve with my family, every year. And this year wasn’t the exception.

For dinner, we ate steak with duquesas potatoes and differents types of salads. And to drink, we had sodas, wine and “cola de mono”… mmm I love “cola de mono” . And all this with “pan de pascua” it’s a great combination.

After dinner, we opened the gifts. My mother was the person with more gifts in my home. And my grandmother too. Is destiny of the mothers, recibed very much gifts of their children. By the way, the most frequent present i got this year, was clothes.

The next day, in sunday, I visited the rest os my family. In the afternoon, we had lunch in my grand mother’s house, with my father’s family. After that I wentswimming at my other grandmother's house, and was very cool.

Well, despite I don’t believe this celebration because I'm agnostic. I enjoy sharing with my family.
A great song for this time!!

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

BBC LearningEnglish

Today, I will write about a website very cool for learning english. That page is BBC, in specific his section “LearningEnglish” (Here his adress: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/). In first place, the page have a simple interface, therefore is easy to use.
In second place, in the BBC website you find very much exercise for  learning english, through the use of multimedia resources. For example, news videos, news audios, articles, games, and etc.
In third place, the use of the news for learning englis is very cool, because it allows interactions with elements and words of the everyday life. Therefore, is most easy learning the vocabulary, pronunciation, and understanding. 
In my first visit to this website I saw the section “Words in the news”, here you can watch and listen news reports and learning vocabulary and his signification through exercises. In particular, I watch this next reports: “Thriller in Manila”, “scientists find 208 new species”, “Hawaii’s Volcano could turn violent” and “Superman comic’s record price”.
In conclution, the BBC Website is a very cool page for learning english because permited also inform about the news of the world.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

The last semester...

Hi, it is my blog. Welcome to new followers. My name is David Carrasco and I`m studying Sociology in this faculty. I live in Quilicura, north  RM, with my family.
Whell,  this is my last year studing .  This second semester is the last term for me.  My only subjects for this term are English 4 and Seminary. But, I`m working  in my professional practice too... when it`s all finished I`ll be a sociology graduate.
About summer study, it`s not a problem for me.  I think that is a logical consequence  of the student movilization process. And I feel that  we accept this situation despite of their negative discomform. At least I believe that  2011 is the year of  great advances for  students  organization so in the future  get our demands.
Finally, all I want for this semester very very hot...  are beer and waterpumps.